Shipping Policy
After checkout, we will send you an email confirming your order. Our items are all 'Made-To-Order' so please allow up to 7 business days for production before your item ships.
Once your item ships, you will be sent a tracking number. Please allow some time for your tracking information to be updated as it is not recorded in real time.
We provide free worldwide shipping! Please allow up to 20 business days for delivery after your order has been shipped. Shipping times vary globally, but are typically as follows:
USA: 12-20 business days
Canada: 7-20 business days
Australia & New Zealand: 7-20 business days
UK: 6-20 business days
Europe: 10-20 business days
Other destinations may require longer delivery times. Tracking information may be unavailable in your home country. Please allow up to 60 business days for delivery.
Please note: We do not currently ship to Africa.
Shipping Delays
Please note that we do not have control over shipping delays. If you have questions about your delivery status, please do not hesitate to contact us. Possible reasons for a delay include:
- Parcel is awaiting customs inspection in your home country
- Parcel is awaiting space availability on the shipping aircraft
- Parcel simply needs time to go through the system - some cities take longer to process items than others
Incomplete Address
If an error such as an incomplete address is made during the input of your order in the checkout process, we have the right to charge a fee of $5.00 for all US orders and $10.00 for all International orders in the circumstance of a parcel requiring to be re-shipped.
Lost Packages
Once order is shipped, it will be the responsibility of carrier to complete the delivery and should there be claims about lost packages, please get in touch with our customer support and we will launch an investigation.
Due to high demands, orders will be fulfilled in the order they are received, and therefore may sell out before a certain item is processed. In order to fulfill your order as quickly as possible, the items may be shipped out separately depending on availability.
Every item is made to order and is shipped directly from our global warehouse. This allows us to achieve free worldwide shipping in a timely manner and at an affordable price!
Stuffed Animals? Nahhhhhh!
Sounds stupid? Then let’s take a closer look at our statement above. What is the difference? Why are we making a distinction between stuffed animals and Plushies? Well, the answer is stereotype thinking. Stuffed animals are often seen as ‘toys’ for kids and hence, are created for kids to play with. However, our Plushies have a much broader and more refreshing purpose:
- Plushies are for everybody; adults, teens, grandparents and younglings. It is heartwarming to adopt one for yourself, or give one as a present.;
- They can serve as your phenomenal soft pillow because of their ultra softness, giving you your much needed rest.;
- They stimulate positivity. Had a long, exhausting and/or bad day? The Plushies’ hilarious and funny appearance will heal any wounded heart and put a smile on your face in no-time!;
- and ultimately, the most important; they are your new cuddle-buddy!
Ever looked into the effects of cuddling and hugging? You should! As a result, we believe that More Cuddles, Erases Troubles! Our vision represents this in a fine way:

No more Cuddle-less days!
Cuddles are such a great sign of appreciation, care and love. But more important, cuddling gives a fantastic boost to your mental condition (because you may feel appreciated for instance), but also the physical aspects! Let’s not dive too deep into all the research that has been done concerning cuddling. But one thing is for sure: Cuddles are Healthy!
So, who are we?
Frooneys is the global fast growing retail specialist in Plushies. We aim at improving sustainability by focusing on the ‘People’ (in the triple P of sustainability), which is often neglected in the quest for sustainability. More specifically, we are aiming to improve the individual’s health. We believe that providing the People with cuddle-buddies will greatly improve one’s physical and especially mental condition. Hence our objective: Improving one’s physical and mental health by providing young and old with extremely soft cuddleful Plushies.
What is on our agenda for the coming years? Priority is given to improving the People aspect by not just providing as many people as possible with cuddle-buddies, but also by for instance sponsoring (charities), donating and give-aways. After that, we will aim to improve the Planet, by eliminating or improving unsustainable practices (and yes, we are lovers of Lean!). If you would like to know more, help us, or have any tips and tricks, please contact us. Have a cuddleful day!
Team Frooneys